Computer animator Michael Boydstun (of the four MIND'S EYE movies) presents a mesmerizing, kaleidoscopic flight of fancy inside a television set that beams out hallucinatory visions. This surreal and witty science-fiction/fantasy film serves as a good-natured critique of television and its effect on the mind. The musical score by Paul Speer and Queensryche's Scott Rockenfield provides a wonderfully gothic background.
Reviewer:Sean Raleigh
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December 6, 2022 Subject:
Nostalgic trip back in time
I love this compilation of interesting CGI animations with primarily very trippy rock music backings. Sir Mix a Lots contribution to the DVD is a very badass song that mixes rock with rap.
I came across this DVD as a kid. My dad prior to his death had collected a large variety of DVDs and CDs. So when I say this is a nostalgic trip back in time I really mean it. I was deeply engaged with the visuals this DVD has to offer.
I think my favorite portions of the DVD include the space ship mission part and the Egyptian themed part, my favorite song is the one that featured sir mix a lot.